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Second Labor and Delivery Expectation vs Reality

If I am being honest, I was completely terrified to go through a Second Labor and Delivery process again. The memories of my first birth were still fresh in my mind. The pain, the exhaustion, and the fear. My second pregnancy was borderline debilitating for me with a toddler. I felt like I had the flu every single day. I was so incredibly miserable, so naturally, I assumed my labor would be the same as my first. After having to advocate for myself time and time again, at 35 weeks, I was diagnosed with cholestasis and gestational hypertension.

Prenancy complications

Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, commonly known as cholestasis of pregnancy, is a liver condition that can occur in late pregnancy. The condition triggers intense itching but without a rash. Pregnancy-related hypertension is high blood pressure that begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy and ends shortly after your baby is born. Gestational hypertension is different than other types of hypertension because it starts in the second half of pregnancy and goes away after childbirth. Both of these resulted in me needing to be induced at 37 weeks. I finally had answers to why I felt so horrible my entire pregnancy, but now, did that mean I was going to have a horrible Second Labor and Delivery, too?

As I checked into the hospital for my induction, I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that enveloped me. The nurses reassured me that everything would be okay. But I couldn’t help but feel anxious. I couldn’t go through another long and challenging labor. My body and soul knew I could do anything, but I was scared.

However, as soon as the contractions started, something felt different. The pain was intense, but this time, I was more prepared. I focused on my breathing and concentrated on staying calm. My husband and my Doula were by my side, holding my hand and encouraging me every step of the way.

Second Labor and Deliver with A Mother’s Calling

Truly, without my Doula at A Mother’s Calling, neither of my labors would have been possible. The Doula, Carly, helped me and encouraged me through every step. With my first, I didn’t listen to my Doula 100%. I may have given her 70% of my trust, but with the Second Labor and Delivery, I gave her all of my trust. One thing is for sure: it was worth it!

Induction started at 9:00 am, but it wasn’t until about 3:00 pm that I started to feel some contractions. About an hour before, they had to break my water to help progress things along. Carly encouraged me to walk the halls, squat on the toilet, and bounce on the ball. Let me tell you, contractions on the toilet are intense but SO incredibly productive! With my firstborn, I received an epidural around 4cm. With my second born, I could hold off until 7cm!

It’s Time To Push!

Before I knew it, it was time to push. With each contraction, I gave it my all. With each push, I knew the moment was approaching when I would finally get to hold my precious son in my arms. The nurses asked if I would like a mirror, and initially, a mirror was a hard no. However, I figured out why not at that moment, so I did. Honestly, it was just as helpful as Carly was with A Mother’s Calling! Being able actually to see the progression with each push was such an encouragement to keep going. So, I highly recommend a mirror!

I had heard horror stories of labor lasting for days on end, so I was both surprised and relieved when the nurse informed me that I was already in active labor. As the hours passed, I focused on my breathing and tried to stay as calm and relaxed as possible. My body knew what to do, and I trusted in its ability to bring my baby safely into the world.

After only 1 hour of pushing, Oliver was placed on my chest, his tiny body snuggled close to mine. The overwhelming emotion that washed over me in that moment is indescribable! A mix of joy, relief, and sheer gratitude flooded me that I did it. My Second Labor and Delivery may have been short, but the intensity of the experience left an everlasting impact on my heart.

He is finally here!

The overwhelming emotion that washed over me in that moment is indescribable. Feeling a mix of joy, relief, and sheer gratitude. My Second Labor and Delivery was actually a magical experience, believe it or not. The intensity of the experience left an everlasting impact on my heart. Writing out these words truly makes me smile!

I couldn’t believe I had given birth to my precious baby boy with far less pain and struggle than my first. The relief and joy that washed over me were indescribable. I held Oliver in my arms, tears of happiness streaming down my face. I was in complete awe that I just gave birth to our son with almost no pain. Well, thanks to the epidural and my Doula, that is!

As I gazed down at my beautiful son, I knew that every struggle during pregnancy was more than worth it to have him in my arms. My pregnancy was intense, to say the least. So, to finally have Oliver here, our journey together as mother and son officially began. The memory of both labors will forever be etched in my mind. A constant reminder of the incredible strength and resilience of what a woman can do.

Second Labor and Delivery experience starkly contrasted the first

My Second Labor and Delivery birth experience starkly contrasted with my first, and I was so grateful for the smooth delivery. Despite the fear and anxiety I felt leading up to it, in the end, it was all worth it to bring my beautiful son into the world.

I was reminded that I am stronger than I ever thought possible. I was ready to embrace my new role as a mother of two. If you are a first-time mother or you are a seasoned professional in giving birth, know that whatever plan you have in place, be prepared to throw that shit out the window! No matter how much preparation you do, it will not prepare you for the unexpected.

My biggest advice to any mother about going through labor is to expect the unexpected and have a plan but be prepared to go off script, trust your body, and trust your labor team. It really does take a village, and welcoming a new baby into the world is the most intense and rewarding thing you will ever do as a mother. You got this, mama!


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