Allaire State Park Fall Family Session | Vanessa and Jesse 2020 | Ultimate Edge Photography

Last year was my first time doing family portraits for Vanessa and Jesse and I love that I had the honor again this year! Their wonderful children, Austin and Penelope, have grown so much since last year! Check out their Allaire State Park Family Session HERE from last year.

Not only did I capture their family portraits 2 years in a row now, but I also captured Jesse and Vanessa’s wedding! Check out their wedding blog post HERE. Their wedding ceremony actually took place at Allaire State Park Chapel so Allaire State Park definitely has lots of meaning to their family!

I have had the pleasure of working a lot with Vanessa and Jesse’s family and I hope to continue to have that for years to come! We captured an adorable shot of all the kiddos laughing and playing in the leaves too! Check out some of my favorites from their session!!

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