Hello To The New, New Jersey Studio

Baby Quinn was the last photoshoot in my home New Jersey studio, which made me a little nostalgic thinking about all the wonderful newborn and family photo sessions that had taken place there. But also, I’m excited about the bright, new space I’m moving to, a detached commercial New Jersey Studio on our property. Luckily, Baby Quinn is as beautiful as a wildflower and made for the perfect last session. Wildflower was the whimsical theme for her newborn shoot, with an organic color palette of forest green and purple. 

The styling was inspired by mom, which is Alyssa’s favorite color, and it looked so rich and gorgeous. I’m in love with the heart-shaped bed surrounded by pastel-colored balls. It’s such a contemporary image that would catch your eye if it were in a tiny frame or blown up on a canvas.

Sweet baby Quinn slept through the photo shoot as we moved onto the green theme with lots of lace and wool textures. Just waking up for a feed, she was soon snoozing again. That made it easy to get a diverse collection of images of our baby girl before the family portraits. 

Big Brother Vibes In The New Jersey Studio!

Big Brother Wyatt was ready for his photos. With big smiles and lots of snuggles for his sister in the New Jersey studio, he was a dream to photograph. During Alyssa’s maternity session, he was very shy and not so willing to be in the photos. It is amazing what a difference a little time makes, and now he is the best poser out of everyone!

The whole family, Alyssa, Dad Jason, Wyatt, and baby Quinn, gathered together on the sofa for intimate photos. They are a gorgeous family with so much joy, love, and affection. One day Quinn will see this collection of baby’s first photos and be glad to have them. Those precious baby years fly by far too fast. Before you know it, it’s time for things like school supply shopping and report cards. If only they would stay small forever!

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