Surprise Beach Proposal in Harvey Cedar LBI | Max and Maeve | Ultimate Edge Photography

Photographers say that photographing a wedding is the most stressful job a photographer could photograph. That is a lie! There is something about proposals that are the most nerve-wracking, stressful, and anxiety-filled moments that you could ever experience as a photographer. It is that exact moment when they go down on one knee and the milliseconds that follow that are the most important. Their reaction to the proposal is everything! It is comparable to when your spouse will see you for the first time during a first look or the walk up the aisle. The expression say’s everything and if you miss that moment, you miss literally the most important part of the whole entire day.

I acted like just a regular person hanging out on the beach, patiently waiting for the precious moment to happen. Max and I planned that I will be stationed on the beach and once the two of them pass me, that will be my cue that the moment is about to happen any second. We planned it this way so that once they passed me, I could run up behind them without Maeve knowing I was close.

In the seconds that followed once they passed me, Max got down on one knee, popped the question, and Maeve broke down with tears of joy! She was totally shocked once she saw I was there and photographed the whole moment, tears and all!

The proposal went flawlessly due to Max’s stealth planning! Maeve had absolutely no idea that the proposal was even coming! She said a little into their portraits afterward that she believed it was going to be another 2 years before she though Max would ask! Little did she know, it was going to happen on a Saturday afternoon in June, on the beach, on an evening walk back to the house after dinner.

Congratulations Max and Maeve!!!

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